Hormone therapy Roseville, MI - Hormone Health Institute

What is Hormone Therapy?

Hormone therapy involves supplementing hormones that are lacking or imbalanced in the body. It can provide relief from unpleasant symptoms and help people regain optimal hormone balance for improved health and wellbeing.

Common reasons for hormone imbalance include aging, stress, poor diet, sedentary lifestyle, and certain medical conditions. Symptoms range from fatigue, weight gain, low libido, and hot flashes to problems with cognition, mood, sleep, and more.

Why Hormone Levels Decline

As we age, hormone levels naturally decrease due to changes in the endocrine system. Lifestyle factors like poor nutrition, inactivity, and chronic stress also negatively impact hormone production. Diseases affecting glands that secrete hormones can also result in imbalances.

Restoring balance through hormone therapy provides wide-ranging benefits:

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Key Benefits

- Alleviates unpleasant menopause and andropause symptoms - Regulates metabolism, promotes weight loss - Improves libido and sexual function - Increases energy levels and vitality - Enhances cognition, sharpness, and focus - Balances moods, reduces anxiety and irritability - Normalizes sleep cycles, reduces insomnia - Slows aging process, improves skin and hair health

Diagnosing Hormone Imbalances

Experiencing ongoing symptoms like fatigue, insomnia, low sex drive, or hot flashes may indicate a hormonal disorder. Getting the right diagnosis is key to successful treatment.

Testing Essential Hormone Levels

A health care provider will check key hormone levels using blood, saliva or urine tests. Hormones tested generally include:

Based on test results, customized treatment protocols can be created to restore optimal balance.

Assessing Symptoms

A physician will also thoroughly assess lifestyle and symptoms to determine if hormone issues could be the underlying cause. Tracking symptoms is helpful when starting treatment to gauge its effectiveness.

Discover hormone therapy for improved health and wellbeing.

Benefits of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

Bioidentical hormones have the same molecular structure as hormones made by the body. As a result, they are metabolized and utilized more efficiently.

There are two main types of bioidentical hormone therapy:

Bioidentical Estrogen and Progesterone Therapy

Supplementing estrogen and progesterone relieves perimenopause and menopause symptoms. Benefits include:

Bioidentical Testosterone Therapy

Testosterone therapy for men and women provides wide-ranging benefits:

Treatment Protocols and Therapies Offered

After diagnosis, a physician creates a customized treatment plan which is continually adjusted based on follow-up testing and symptom tracking.

Starting Hormone Replacement Therapy

The standard process for initiating bioidentical hormone therapy is:

  1. Initial consultation, medical history review
  2. Diagnostic blood, saliva and urine tests
  3. Analysis of test results
  4. Custom treatment plan creation
  5. Follow-up testing and symptom checks

Adjustments to hormone doses or medications may be needed over time to keep levels balanced as the body changes with age.

Bioidentical Estrogen and Progesterone Pellets

Specially formulated hormone pellets are inserted under the skin every 3-6 months, continually releasing estrogen and progesterone. Pellets provide steady hormone levels compared to patches or pills.

Compounded Bioidentical Creams

Topical creams with customized hormone concentrations can restore balance when levels are very low. Creams are easy to adjust and avoid initial hormone spikes.

Other Therapies

Thyroid medications, DHEA supplementation, and testosterone therapy may be incorporated depending on deficiencies identified through testing. Stress management counseling is often included.

Interesting fact

Hormone therapy can help relieve menopause symptoms like hot flashes and vaginal dryness. Interestingly, research shows it may also improve mood and thinking ability in perimenopausal and postmenopausal women. The cognitive benefits seem greatest when hormone therapy is initiated early in menopause rather than years later.

Lifestyle and Wellness Recommendations

While hormone therapy effectively alleviates deficiency symptoms, making positive lifestyle changes enhances results.

Improving Sleep Habits

Chronic insomnia and sleep deprivation can worsen hormone imbalance. Getting 7-9 hours nightly, limiting electronics before bedtime, establishing a calming pre-sleep routine all encourage quality sleep.

Adopting an Anti-Inflammatory Diet

Choosing more fresh fruits/vegetables, lean proteins, nuts/seeds, whole grains, beans, fish high in omega-3s while limiting sugar, alcohol and processed foods reduces inflammation underlying chronic diseases.

Increasing Physical Activity

Regular exercise helps balance hormones naturally. A mix of aerobic activity, strength training and stretching for 30-60 minutes daily provides optimal benefits. Walking trails, workout classes and gyms abound in Roseville.

Embracing Stress-Relief Practices

Chronic emotional stress raises cortisol exacerbating hormonal issues. Relaxation techniques like meditation, deep breathing, massage therapy, sound baths, floating pods and nature immersion Reverse damage done by ongoing “fight or flight”. Roseville’s serene parks, Buddhist centers and inviting cafes offer urban oases.

Restoring hormone balance through testing, expert diagnosis and customized treatments reclaims vibrancy, health and quality of life. Roseville’s inviting parks, trails and locally-sourced dining make embracing positive lifestyle changes during therapy a pleasure. With compassionate support each step of the way, the journey to optimal wellness begins.

Take control of your hormone balance today!

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